Climate Emergency Strategy Review for Colchester
Following declaration of a climate emergency, publication of new strategic objectives and to reflect the positive parking agenda, Colchester wanted to update their parking strategy.
The Council had progressed with consulting on a range of measures and obtaining support for its proposed approach. Parking Perspectives were engaged to assist with the process of providing a succinct policy context, sifting and challenging measures inconsistent with objectives, supporting proposed principles with suitable evidence and writing a succinct strategy for adoption and publication.
The new document focused on interpreting four of the Council’s objectives into suitable parking themes. Each theme provided discussion and evidence to support three policy principles. Each will enable a range of downstream policy measures that will change the way parking is delivered in direct support of the climate challenge and other borough objectives.
One particular aspect of the work was for all prior feedback received from consultees to be specifically addressed within the new document. Recognising the role of the strategy to inform as well as enable, references and mini explanations of the evidence referenced within the narrative of the brochure were provided over several pages at the rear of the brochure
The document was approved by Cabinet in November 2020
Client: Colchester Borough Council