Royal Bournemouth Hospital Travel Plan

A SMART Travel Plan

The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust published its first Green Active Travel Plan for the Bournemouth and Christchurch hospital sites in May 2018.

Parking Perspectives was engaged to rationalise the ideas presented and generate a smaller selection of measures that were supported by an evidenced assessment of need and opportunities, were costed and had been selected based on the practicality and impact of implementation.

The content and guidance generated has been taken forward to develop a working Travel Plan with focused actions and deliverables for adoption across the Trust’s hospitals.

Mode Shift Price Points

An associated part of the work included review and assessment of demand for fiscal incentives to staff to rescind parking permits.

The work involved establishing the price point at which a critical number of staff would make a potentially permanent shift to a non-car mode of travel to the hospital.

This consisted of a review of current tax regulations regarding staff cycle and bus subsidy schemes and the preparation of letters, frequently asked questions and associated web content and decision tree to research interest amongst staff for a given financial incentive.

Client: Universities Dorset Hospitals NHS Trust 2021

Related Project: Imperial NHS Trust, Parking Circulation & Control System