University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust Parking Review


During 2021 Parking Perspectives delivered a number of parking-related workstreams for the University Hospitals Dorset NHS Foundation Trust. The Trust consists of the Royal Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole Hospitals.


A number of changes have prompted the need to reassess the parking across the estate.

  • The Trust is a recent formation. Parking policies, provision and operations are different across sites. Over 850,000 square feet of office had been lost to residential use
  • The Trust are receiving a Government Development grant of £147m to develop the Royal Bournemouth Hospital as the major emergency hospital. Some of the services performed on the site would relocate, whilst others will consolidate into the Bournemouth site.
  • The Trust has set out an objective to reduce its environmental impact.


The project included a total of 5 workstreams:

  • Alignment of the Parking Policy and staff permit eligibility criteria across the three sites
  • An option appraisal of access control and payment hardware
  • An optional appraisal of the models of car parking operation
  • A review of the Travel Plan and proposed Travel Survey
  • A high-level review of Section 106 obligations

The project has involved scoping the capability of the current different systems in place at each site to deliver the requirements of the Government’s NHS car parking guidance on free parking for those with greatest need.

The project will last 5 months.

Related Project: Royal Bournemouth Hospital Travel Plan

Both Poole and Bournemouth sites are being developed.